Catching Up: AAN Report on ISAF Night Raids

I haven't blogged in a really long time. Expect that to change. Before I get round to writing something new, I have some long overdue announcements and posts relating to writing work I was busy with last year. Most of you will be aware of the publications. If so, carry on. If not, perhaps take a look. In October 2011, I wrote a report together with Felix Kuehn on ISAF's night raids and other operations described in their press releases over a 2+ year period. That was for the Afghanistan Analysts Network; if you're not reading their blog, you're missing a lot. (Seriously, subscribe to their RSS feed and save yourself the headache of having to check back.)

We partnered with The Guardian's DataBlog team, who offered visualisations of some of the data presented in the report. Check out their stories here, here and here.

Our report was met with an extremely forceful response from ISAF, to which AAN issued a collective reply. We never heard back from ISAF after that.

We're currently at work on an update to this report which will be published by AAN relatively soon (most likely early next year). Watch this space.